Here is the message from Principal Stebbins and Assistant Principal Therrien that was sent out this morning:

We are writing to let the parents of students who ride Bus Route #2, Sonia’s Route, know that the bus was involved in a minor traffic accident on the morning of May 28th.  All students are safe and fine and the impact was minimal, but we wanted to make sure parents know the details.

As the bus was waiting to turn onto Main Street a small vehicle did not stop and hit the back end of the bus.   Both vehicles drove away from the scene. As this was a traffic accident, Corporal McMahon, from the St. Albans Police Department arrived on the scene and an accident report was filed.  If parents have any specific questions about the accident they are welcome to call the PD at 524-2166.

All the students did an excellent job waiting and arrived at school about 8:35am.


Angela Stebbins and Jason Therrien