Please Join Us: MRUSD Parent Night with Dr. Joelle van Lent on 11/10

Please Join Us: MRUSD Parent Night with Dr. Joelle van Lent

Dr. Joelle van Lent will be hosting an evening event for parents and caregivers of the Maple Run Unified School District on Wednesday, November 10th from 6:00-7:00PM via ZOOM.  Dr. Joelle van Lent is a clinical psychologist and community member.  She works with several school districts in Vermont and has expertise in trauma and resilience.  During this event, Joelle will offer insights and strategies, specifically for parents and caregivers, on how we can foster the resilience of our children and ourselves.  

If you are interested in attending this event, please complete the form below.  We will be accepting requests to join the event until November 9th.  You will receive an email with the ZOOM link on the morning of November 10th.

Sign Up Form