Hello Maple Run Community -

I appreciate your patience as the current protocols for close contacts, definitions of who is considered fully vaccinated, and testing requirements have changed over the past two weeks with the onset of the Omicron variant of COVID-19.    

As you may have heard from the Governor's press conference today, changes regarding testing and COVID guidance are forthcoming to schools. Tomorrow, the Maple Run Leadership Team and nurses will be meeting to begin work on pivoting from the previous direction to the newly announced testing and close contact programs. Our goal is to keep the staff, students, and families as up-to-date as possible. This letter’s purpose is to inform you of what we know right now, and what guidelines you should follow as we transition.

School districts have been directed by the Agency of Education to end staff-administered antigen tests for school exposure of students and staff who are close contacts (Test-to-Stay). The new direction tells us to distribute antigen test kits to close contacts for them to administer themselves. The new COVID protocols will occur once the school receives additional antigen tests and new implementation guidelines from the state.  At this time, we still have a limited supply of antigen tests, so we will continue to administer our Test-to-Stay each morning before school as it has been running. If you received communication that your child was in close contact because of school exposure, please continue to follow the same protocol. 

I understand many people are frustrated as things continue to be revised and updated. Maple Run staff and I are staying on top of all the changes as they are happening. I appreciate your patience as we all navigate this challenging and confusing time. My goal is to keep our schools open and as many students attending as possible.


 Bill Kimball